For many of us, having to speak in front of a group or in an interview can cause nervousness and stress.  Sometimes, we get these same feelings when meeting someone new or even in simple conversation.  Perhaps you have noticed that within yourself or others around you.  By learning to avoid filler words in your speech, your audience will be less distracted and more involved in what you are actually saying. 

While using filler words in simple conversation may not be as critical, it can be detrimental if you attempting to tell an interviewer why you are a good match for the job or if you are presenting an idea to a group of people.  Filler words such as “um”, “uh”, “like”, and “you know” take away the impact a conversation or speech has on the audience.  Improving your public speaking skills is important if you want others to know you are articulate.     

The use of filler words are often a way for the speaker to avoid silence, which can be uncomfortable.  Yet, exceptional speakers use periods of silence as a way to make an impact, to allow the audience to absorb what was just said, and to promote thought.  Even for those of us who are not required to speak to groups on a regular basis can benefit from improving speaking skills.  Your ideas and thoughts will be more clear and viewed as well thought out. 

Here are some ways to improve your speaking skills:

  • Record yourself.  You will be able to evaluate just how often filler words are used when speaking.
  • Practice often.  Once you are aware of the kinds of filler words you use and how often, learn to avoid those words through practice.
  • Ask friends to help.  You may be more comfortable practicing in front of your friends.  They can offer constructive feedback.
  •  Don’t forget about body language.  Your body language can make you appear nervous or unsure.  Learn to avoid negative body signs such as shifting from one leg to the other, crossing your arms, and holding onto the podium or notes.
  • Join Toastmasters or other local speaker’s group.  Learning how to develop your public speaking skills with others can be fun!

What techniques have you used to improve your speaking skills?   

When one thinks about the work environment at a corporation, most associate “boring” with it.  Not at Zappos, a successful online shoe retailer!  One of the 10 core values embraced by Zappos is to “create fun and a little weirdness.”  Zappos believes that by allowing its employees to be themselves, it results in happier, more productive workers. 

Nonetheless, not all core values are a good fit for every organization.  Aligning core values require reviewing a company’s culture to ensure employees understand how to behave and are being rewarded for behavior that is desired.  Management can ensure each individual knows he or she is valued through consistently providing positive feedback.    

Based on the current economy, employers have a bigger pool of job candidates to choose from.  For this reason, employers are likely to choose job applicants whose values appear to align with the company’s culture.  Before posting your resume, do your own research.  The better you understand a company’s culture, the better your chances are to be chosen over others who may not align well with its culture. 

What values are important to you as an employee or employer?

Education is often said to be the “key to success.”  Yet, I cannot recall a single class that ever touched the surface regarding how to interact with others.  Nonetheless, being able to relate and communicate with others is one of the most important life skills that we must continue to improve upon.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship with your parents, sibling, child, co-worker, friend or stranger; each requires a certain level of understanding.  Thus, whether personal or professional, relationships require a life-long commitment.

Relationships are necessary, yet can be difficult to manage.  To build strong and healthy relationships, we must learn to understand the other person’s perspective.  Without this understanding, compromise would be impossible.  We are all individuals who come from different backgrounds and upbringing and who approach situations in various ways.

Learn to appreciate people’s individuality and you will be enriched by the experiences of those around you.  Being able to consider the perspectives of others allows you to be flexible especially with regards to difficult situations.  You don’t necessarily need to agree with others but it does show trust and loyalty.  These are the qualities that others are most likely to be attracted to.

In what ways have you showed appreciation for other people’s differences?